Monday, 3 May 2010


Haven't posted on here in far too long so this is likely to be a fairly lengthy post.
I have been looking at other ways of getting across what I want to say, as using a human with a mask didn't seem to work well, the mask was deemed too scary and evil looking so people were unable to sympathise with it. Instead I've bought some cuddly toys off ebay and plan to use them in some way. We think of children and innocence when toys are mentioned, and cuddly toys especially are made to look cute, so it would be more repulsive when we are visually attracted to the object or it evokes personal feelings within us. I have tried different uses with the toys, including creating a mock slaughter, stuffing with meat, cooking them. I'm not sure whether to use one as an sculpture or keep it to photography.
I am also creating another stop motion animation (if i don't run out of time to finish) of a red man and a pig. I wanted the man to be red as I am wanting it to represent his flesh and blood.
Last thing I'm doing is things with meat, bought a couple of packs of mince, and along with stuffing the cuddly toys I sculpted a face and cooked it in the oven, taking photos of the process. Not the prettiest thing I've ever seen!
I think my whole point I'm trying to get across in all the pieces I'm doing is that we should give the animals we eat a little more respect, and while we raise them for slaughter, treat them well and give them the life they deserve. When it comes down to it we are flesh and blood just like them, the only difference is we have superior intelliegence and I wouldn't always say that is a good thing considering the mess we as a race make of things.
I emailed another abattoir a while ago after the one in Inverurie never got back to me. This one was in Portlethen and unfortunately decided to ignore me as well, figured it was best to give up on that idea, someone really doesn't want me to see animals die.
I decided to use three folders to keep my reasearch in, one for why I should eat me, one for why I shouldn't and one for artists and miscellaneous articles. I'm hoping this will help define my research better and help me to even out each arguement.

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